Monday, July 29, 2013

Become the LIGHT of YOUR LIFE!

Become the Light of Your Life.

Marianne Williamson once said, and I quote 

“As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.”

Much of my life I have felt compelled to help others... though most of the time I found myself not knowing HOW..., or when I did try and “help” it was by telling them how I saw their current situation and how I thought they should change... and as you can imagine, this, in most cases, back-fired on me... only to end up putting a strain on my relationship with the afflicted person! What is a girl to do when you want to see someone you care about reach their potential...? When you see all that they can be and they don’t see it...

After straining an already broken relationship with my mother over my near obsession with rescuing her from her problems...I came to the conclusion that my approach was all wrong...

I decided to turn my judgement on myself instead of on everyone else... 

So, I asked myself, “Are you living up to your own potential, are you being all that you can be in this life, with all the talents, skills, and blessings placed at your feet?” 

It hit me like a ton of bricks what a hypocrite I had been all these years! Who was I to pass judgement and measure others against their own potential when I had HARDLY lived up to my own?

Why did it seem so easy and clear cut for me to find a way out of whatever problem someone else was going through, no matter how big or small, and yet when it came to my OWN issues, even the smallest of challenges would bring me to my knees, and instead of facing them head on, what would I do instead, why I would divert my attention to someone else who needed my “help” more as a way to avoid having to face failure or truth about my own life. 

Truth is I lied to myself about who I was, what I cared about and what my dreams were to fit the mold of what I thought others expected me to be. Ever do that?

Truth is there have been so many times I’ve dimmed my light for friends that I thought were fun or “cool”, even though they stood for nothing that I believed in... and at times I dimmed my light so low that I forgot WHAT I believed in.

I spent years wasting talents & blessings that God bestowed on me by using them selfishly... and then judged others for how they used theirs... How fair is that?

One day I found myself seeking guidance and ended up in a room with a therapist/clairvoyant that worked for hospice... I kept going on and on about how I wanted to HELP my mom or HELP my friends... help, help, help, help... You know, as long as I was trying to “help” people... that meant that I wasn’t selfish... So I had a good thing going for myself... That is, until she stopped me and said, “You know, you cannot “help” people to do anything that they, themselves, are not ready to do... The way YOU will help people is to become more of yourself. By you facing your fears of what others might think of you if you were to become authentic to who you are destined by God to be, you will, without even trying... give others the courage and permission to become more of themselves... Blast your light into the world without any shame and be true to who you are in all aspects of your life and like-minded and like-spirited individuals will flock to you! 

That was, by far, the best advice I have ever been given. 

I cannot say that I changed overnight... or that it was or is still is easy, because so much of what our society attaches itself to is idealism, perfectionism, and elitism. But I can say, that when you do concentrate on your own personal growth, dreams, and even your ownproblems... there is some empowering and inspiring about that and others DO take notice and follow suit, not to copy what you are doing, but to live life as you do... Authentically.

Never apologize for who you are or mold yourself to be what others expect. Dream amazing dreams and don’t let anything or anyone stop you or try and tell you that it won’t happen for you..., because deep down, you know it is in your DNA, that someday, some way, YOU are going to do something great with your life, (Thanks Craig Holiday) Your life is bigger than you know or are aware of... Every day you choose to give your light unto this world, you inspire others to do the same. 

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”- Ghandi

If you want the world to be a better place, it all starts with being a better YOU.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

5 TOP COACH TIPS for Beachbody Coaches!

I get a lot of emails from other coaches asking for tips on how to build a successful Beachbody business, so i decided to put together a list of 5 things I have done that have most impacted my business:
I Started Beachbody and was randomly placed as a customer lead under an inactive coach... So I had to learn everything I know completely on my own. Don’t use your upline as an excuse not to succeed... This is YOUR BUSINESS and no one owes you anything. There are SO many amazing trainings at your disposal these days in the coach training academy, Craig Holiday’s 90 Days to Excellence series in the back office: {News & Training>>EVENTS>> Conference Calls & Webinars>> Conf. Call & Webinar archive}, the Success on demand tab and on National Call Call on Monday’s ay 12pm ET where you can listen to ALL of the top coaches share their different approaches to the business.
You have ISSUES! We ALL do... and if you don’t work on them and learn how to overcome, then you won’t see much growth in your business... and when and if you ever do bring someone into your team, they will be just as unwilling to change as you are! LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. If I had stayed where I was... I would still be broke, lost, and more than likely still bartending. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT on a regular bases, even if it is only 10-15 minutes a day, can completely change the course of your life... Don’t over-look it, because it is VERY easy to do so.
You can’t successfully market your business to the general population. Why? Because what is important to an 18 year old girl is MUCH different from what is important to a retiring military man... or a Successful Business man, or a Stay at Home Mom... and YOUR MESSAGE must be consistent in order to be effective. You want to focus on  sharing  your message with a select group (most likely in YOUR age group, your gender, your experiences and with goals and aspirations similar to the ones YOU have!) WHY? Because people like you... CONNECT with you!You understand their needs and KNOW how to fulfill them! So when you post on FB, don’t post to everyone... Post as if you were talking solely to your specific niche!
What does that mean? It means don’t be an icky sticky pushy sales person!!! Focus on sharing emotionally driven success stories. SHARE your story... and be REAL and vulnerable! People don’t relate to links on a page... or posts promoting that you are now a coach... which basically says, “WHO WANTS TO BUY SOMETHING FROM ME?” - - YUCK! Think of it from an outsiders point of view... If your friend just started in another business... let’s say skin care products... and they were raving on how they were a rep now and you just HAD to try it and become a rep yourself... Would you JUMP IN not knowing if #1 - The product ACTUALLY worked #2 - If your friend was even going to stick with it. #3 - If it was one of those “Pyramid Schemes” ---- Probably NOT. Through your consistency, results and then THEIR research (with or without your being involved in the process)  you will start to see more people show interest. SHARE your journey, but don’t shove it down people’s throats... Don’t make it the ONLY thing you ever post about. Be relatable in multiple areas of your life... and stop trying to force the solution down their throats! LOL.
It is SO tempting to keep the focus on what YOU want for your business... I WANT to be a diamond... I WANT to find a rockstar coach... I WANT to make $500 a week... I WANT, I WANT, I WANT... and sure, we ALL want success, but in THIS business, YOUR success is determined by the number of people YOU HELP to succeed in reaching THEIR GOALS, not YOURS. You will come to find, people really aren’t all that inspired or motivated to achieve YOUR goals. You need to become a visionary in people’s lives. Listen to their story, learn about what is important to THEM, what their strengths and weaknesses are, help them to see the bigger vision for their lives and how BEACHBODY can help them to get there! Be sure to share these 5 concepts with them and explain how to use their lives to inspire others! it doesn’t happen over night... but with consistency you WILL achieve results! Understand you can’t make them do anything they do not see value in.. So show them the value according to their goals and dreams!
I will close with this, you won’t change lives that aren’t ready to change, INCLUDING your own! Be patient, persistent and consistent with your new business, share from the HEART not the head, and GET READY... Because your success and income will always be a direct reflection of the number of lives you have helped change!!!
Make it COUNT!
Lindsay Matway

"& because this biz takes WORK... 😉 Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Team Beachbody Coach income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence and skill."

5 Things You Should Know BEFORE Becoming a Beachbody Coach!

So you are looking into this whole “COACHING” thing?

Here are 5 things you need to know before making the BEST decision for YOUR life!

#1 - Coaching is NOT a “Get Rich Quick Scheme”

If your number one priority is making bukoo bucks... You might as well save your $39.95 (sign up cost) and keep looking for the right opportunity for you... Because coaching will be a big fat waste of your time... NOT because you cannot end up making BIG MONEY... because you DEFINITELY CAN... but because in THIS business, the only people who make money are the ones who actually care to make a difference and help people change the course of their lives! Your income will ALWAYS be a direct reflection of the number of lives you help change!


You’ve probably wondered, what the heck do you actually DO as a coach, just SELL stuff? Absolutely not! It’s SO much more than that! As coaches we are BEACONS of light. (okay, slightly dramatic... but it’s TRUE!!!) We use our life, and the way we live it, to inspire and encourage others. What happens when you see a friend that you haven’t seen in a few months... and they have lost 20lbs, are beaming with energy and a whole new outlook on life? Well, I know what I DO... I ask them, “What the heck have you been doing girl!? You look INCREDIBLE!!! I want your secret!” -- That’s the best way I can explain the basis of coaching. YOU are that person who, in this story, committed to changing their lives for the better... and thus EVERYONE around you wants to know YOUR SECRET. Mine, well, it’s BEACHBODY! P90X first changed my life after having my daughter London... then came Shakeology that literally was a health GAME CHANGER for me and has helped me to avoid being sick for coming on 3 years!!! and NOW, COACHING... which has taken me from a BANKRUPT BARTENDER with zero business experience... to a Top ranking Business owner making well over six figures a year... in just TWO YEARS mind you! WHY? Because I focused on changing ME first... Then shared my “secrets” with others who followed suit! 

#3 - Coaches are Independent Business Owners.

When you become a coach you don’t the work for BEACHBODY... You work for YOURSELF! No one gives you deadlines, tells you how much you have to work, when you have to work, WHERE you have to work, nor do they decide your salary... YOU DO! And yea, I KNOW... SOUNDS INCREDIBLE, right? *and it IS*... IF you are willing to learn to manage your time effectively, stay consistent, be self-motivated and most of all, self-disciplined. MOST of us have never worked for ourselves... We have had all of our tasks and responsibilities laid out for us, a BOSS to hold us accountable and scare us from losing our job if we didn’t stay on point, a pre-determined salary or hourly rate GUARANTEED to us (even if it wasn’t great... we at least knew exactly what we would make.) and business hours (good ole 9-5!). The BEST comparison I can give you to describe the difference between working for someone else and working for yourself is the difference between HIGH SCHOOL and COLLEGE. Everyone HAS to go to High School... there is set rules, schedules, learning materials, teachers, subjects, tests, etc... But college... College is for the ELITE, the ones who want MORE out of life! The ones who are willing to take responsibility and make something of themselves. No one calls your mom when you skip class... tells you what to wear, which major to pick, nor which class times you will choose. If you drop out... Well, that’s on YOU. Owning your own business is the SAME WAY... So are you ready to Graduate to the BIG LEAGUES?


Your success as a coach is directly linked to how CONNECTED others feel to you. So many times when I talk to people who are trying to decide whether or not they are going to become a coach... They mention “not being at their goal body yet”  as one of their reasons they doubt they would succeed. TRUTH IS... People don’t connect to PERFECTION... They connect to your STORY. The struggles you overcome on your JOURNEY... and the honesty and openness you are willing to share with them. THOSE are the things that inspire them to change! You want them to think, “Well, if SHE can.... So can I!”... NOT “Well, she is perfect... so, of course she succeeded!” Until I opened up and shared my story of losing myself after pregnancy... and having to file bankruptcy after acquiring $400,000 in medical debt.... Only THEN did they start to see I was human, just like THEM... with struggles, hold backs and experiences that I could have let hold me down. Question is: Are you willing to let down your guard and share? 


ALL successful coaches have ONE THING in common... They started with BIG DREAMS that fueled their fire to succeed! You have to have a CLEAR vision for YOUR LIFE and know what you are working for! Just like college... You go through the learning process (not making money) all the while KNOWING it will be WORTH IT in the end when you graduate and land the career of your dreams. Only difference here is that college could put you THOUSANDS of dollars in DEBT with no guarantee of a job... when in Beachbody you can actually MAKE MONEY while learning the ins and outs of your trade. IMAGINE if you spent FOUR FOCUSED YEARS, the way people do in college, on BEACHBODY!!! You would likely be earning more than most DOCTORS by the time you “graduated” with no debt to speak of! My point is... You have to know where you want to go... and more importantly WHY! The more defined your WHY... the HIGHER you FLY!

I hope this gave you a better idea of whether or not coaching is right for you and your goals, it is truly not meant for everyone... but when it lands in the lap of the person described above... MAGIC HAPPENS and DREAMS COME TRUE!

When and If you are ready to take the next step... I would love to lock arms with you and be your Coaching “professor” of sorts to show you why I love this business so very much and why I think you just may too! When you become a coach on my team... Your dreams become MY dreams... and THIS dreamer is most certainly a DOER!

Let’s make it count!

Lindsay Matway

"& because this biz takes WORK... 😉 Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Team Beachbody Coach income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence and skill."

The Bombshell Challenge - It's YOUR turn!

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Thanks for visiting! Make sure to sign up to have me as your FREE TEAMBEACHBODY COACH to get support, to help keep you motivated, and to gain access to free tools to keep you on track with your fitness & health goals!

The Bombshell Challenge

The Bombshell Challenge-Now It is Your Turn!

Have you heard of The Bombshell Challenge? If not, and you are serious about making a change and you are sick and tired of not reaching your goals, you’re sick and tired of starting a diet (or fitness program) and not finishing it, or you are just plain sick and tired, then you need to listen up and get details on The Bombshell Challenge. Your time is NOW! This is your opportunity to CHANGE and get off the same path that you have taken time and time again. Read this post from START to FINISH, it could literally CHANGE (or even SAVE) yourLIFE!

What is The Bombshell Challenge?

The Bombshell Challenge
The Bombshell Challenge
The Bombshell Challenge combines aWORLD CLASS fitness program withPROPER nutrition and a Peer to Peer accountability group. It is really the first time anything like this has been put together before and I have had TREMENDOUS success in helping others accomplish what they have never accomplished. I have literally shed 1000’s of pounds off people and helped them change their LIVES! So come join ME and MY TEAM and transform YOUR life. I can CHANGE ANY BODY! Do you want to change? Well LET’s GO THEN!

What about the fitness program for The Bombshell Challenge?

This is the best part! The Bombshell Challenge uses in-home workout programs by Beachbody, the company behind great products such as P90X, Insanity, Turbo-Fire, Brazil Butt Lift, Rev-Abs, and many more. You see these programs in The Bombshell Challenge are the BEST OF THE BEST, these programs have been PROVEN to work if they are followed PROPERLY. How do I know? I personally used P90X to get in the best shape of my life after having my daughter and have since used the products to get 100’s of people in the best shape of theirs! Another great part is I know which program works the best for each fitness level.

Here are some helpful hints when picking your The Bombshell Challenge workout program:
  • If it has been a while since you worked out or you are just getting started then choose the $160 package and get the Power 90 program!
  • If you are incredibly busy and don’t have much time to workout, choose the $180 package and get the 10 minute trainer program!
  • If you are in decent shape already or are really looking to push yourself outside your comfort level, go for the $205 package and get any of the programs (they are all great!)
  • If you want to do the program that I am IN LOVE with and want to have a ROCKINGbody! Pick my “SOULMATE” Workout Chalean Extreme! in the $180 package
  • If you have NO CLUE what program is right for you CLICK HERE AND CONTACT MEand I will help you choose properly!

With the Bombshell Challenge Nutrition is EASY!

Did you know that 80% of success in achieving a healthy weight and “Goal” body is PROPER NUTRITION! I’ve got that covered as well. With the nutrition portion of The Bombshell Challenge you will receive the EXACT same meal plan and guide that I personally use tailored to your specific body type! You will also receive a WORLD CLASS meal replacement shake called SHAKEOLOGY. Shakeology is a tremendous nutrient and super-food dense meal replacement shake. It gives you (and me) control of one meal per day, which is key when trying to control your calorie intake. It is also going to ensure that your body is getting all the proper nutrients that it needs and therefore will help control your cravings. So we have 2 of the obstacles knocked out NOW!

The most important part of The Bombshell Challenge!

How many times have you started a fitness program only to fall off a couple weeks (or days) later, because you didn’t have anyone asking you if you did or didn’t do your workout today? How many times did you start a nutritional weight loss plan and spend tons of money on “healthy” food at the grocery only to order a LARGE pepperoni PIZZA, because you didn’t have anyone that “CARED” what you did? This is where the peer to peer accountability group portion of The Bombshell Challenge comes in. We plug in to The Bombshell Challenge private Facebook page that is filled with people that are going through the same thing as you are. We sweat, laugh, cry, and accomplish TOGETHER. In this group I will post daily assignments and motivation to help you stay on track. It also gives me an avenue to hold you personally accountable.  If you truly want to succeed, THE BOMBSHELL CHALLENGE WON’T LET YOU FAIL!!
The Bombshell Challenge- Who It Is (And Isn’t) For?
  • You are serious about making a change
  • You are willing to put in hard work
  • You are willing to take advice
  • You aren’t looking for a magic pill or overnight success

So what are you waiting for pick out your program and Shakeologyflavor and LET’S GET STARTED. The time is now! This is YOUR chance to get back in control of your health and fitness so that you can live the happy and fulfilling life that you DESERVE. The Bombshell Challenge is READY are YOU?
I look forward to getting to know you and helping you through THE BOMBSHELL CHALLENGE!

The Bombshell Dynasty

Hi There! My name is Lindsay Matway and I am ever so blessed to be able to call myself a Top Beachbody Coach! I started my journey as a coach back in 2010 as a new mom and bankrupt bartender who had lost myself and my purpose and wanted desperately to make my life COUNT for something MORE than the status quo! Since that day... I have built what is now THE BOMBSHELL DYNASTY, one of the largest and most successful organizations in the entire company and am myself a 4x Top 10 Coach, Million Dollar annual earner and living MY LIFE by design, completely debt free... all via a little thing called Beachbody.

Now trust me... I KNOW all of that sounds waaaaaaay too good to be true! Haha! So let me just say that I was THEE BIGGEST SKEPTIC when this all started, so I welcome your questions and am more than happy to share my "secrets" to success! 

Click to watch this video:

To get a better feel of who I am and what I am about, watch the video below! It is an interview I did with Beachbody's CEO, Carl Daikeler! 

Beachbody Coach

A few things to consider before applying: 

#1 - You must be willing and ready to get in the best shape of your life using Beachbody programs and/or products {P90X, T-25, Insanity, Shakeology, etc} - I will be coaching you not only on the business, but on best practices in nutrition and fitness. There is absolutely NO NEED to be at your goal body already, but you must be willing to lead by example and be a product of the products!

#2 - You must FULLY commit to completing ALL coach training assignments and agree to living OUTSIDE of your comfort zone! Change is not EASY… but I have essentially compressed a 30 year career into 4 years, and I am helping others to do the SAME so that they can fit their work around their LIFE, rather than fitting their life around their WORK. 

#3 - You must be COACHABLE & COMMITTED. I am going to openly share in just 21 days what took me HUNDREDS of hours and MANY mistakes over the past 3 years to learn about and master this business! Essentially, this info is LIQUID GOLD… and I will be giving it to you for FREE, as I invest my time into you and help you create and establish your own at-home business. What I require in return is for you to meet me half way and want, will for and work for your success as much as I do. 

If you have longed for more freedom, more financial stability, to make a difference and to be connected to people who are doing the same… This just may be the opportunity you have been looking for. 

I am always in search of coaches who match the culture and integrity of our team! If you feel like you are ready to start taking steps to living YOUR LIFE by design, complete the application below!

Beachbody Rewards

Beachbody Coach
The prizes are just icing on the cake. You already are getting paid for your hard work, it’s just an extra incentive!
Here is a list of what I have been awarded:

2015 - All-expense paid trip to Cancun!

2015 - Trip to Sundance for Coach Advisory Board meeting/skiing!

2014 Top 10 Coach - Won a trip to PARIS! (only coach ever to be Top 10, 4x)

2014 Trip to Santa Monica, CA for SuperStar Day with a Shopping Spree on Rodeo!

2014 SuperStar Diamond II (Top rank in the company in 2 business centers)

2014 Won trip to Italy for being in TOP 10!

2014 VIP Trip to Las Vegas for Summit!

2014 Trip to Sundance for Coach Advisory Board meeting/skiing!

2014/2015 - Selected to be on the Coach Advisory Board (1 of 8)

2013 Million Dollar Earner

2013 6 Night Cruise aboard Royal Caribbean 
2013 Top Coach of the Year (First Female Top Coach)
2012 Success Club Trip to Disney World

2012 Trip to Santa Monica for Super Star Day!
2012 Team Cup Champion
2012 Elite TOP 10 Coach (Won trip to Argentina & Uruguay
2011 Elite TOP 10 Coach (Won trip to St Regis Bora Bora, Tahiti)
2011 Success Club trip to Atlantis (upgraded to The Cove and $1000 cash)
2010 Success Club trip on The Oasis of the Seas
2011 Success Club Team Challenge runner-up
2012 Success Club Team Challenge (Current Leader)
2012 Sprint to Success Winner
2011 Elite Coach ($500 Car Bonus every month in 2012)
2011 #2 in the “Scout it Out” Challenge (All expenses paid trip to Cabo San Lucas)
2010 “Grab Your Board” Promotion (Custom Surf Board)

It is my GOAL to get you to win these same contests and many of my coaches have!!

This is a real life income progression spreadsheet I put together for my 3 year anniversary with Beachbody just to show you the potential of this amazing opportunity!
Beachbody Coach

**Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located on the Coaches Corner on for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes.