Sunday, July 28, 2013

My Three Year Anniversary with Beachbody!

3 Year

I have been wavering as to whether I would make this post for over 2 weeks now, going back and forth as to whether it was the right thing to do or not… knowing that it could so EASILY be perceived as me boasting… However after a LOT of discernment, advice from my leaders and PRAYER, I have decided that IF it helps ONE PERSON who IS where I WAS three years ago… It is WORTH any criticism I receive. In the end, I know MY intentions were true and intended to inspire and help others to see what is POSSIBLE.
That being said, I want to tell you a few quick things about myself to give you an idea of where I was when I started on WEEK ONE of my Beachbody journey.
4 Years ago, I gave birth to my daughter, London. She was born prematurely and suffered a severe brain bleed, which gave her a 90% chance of developing Cerebral Palsy. After a two month stay in the hospital, we finally got to bring our baby HOME, but our excitement was short-lived, as we were soon greeted by a never-ending supply of medical bills, totaling OVER $400,000. Both Billy and I being bartenders, worked as many shifts as we could to try and keep up, while also tending to London (who couldn’t just be watched by anyone, because of her special needs as a preemie) but overtime, it felt like no matter how hard we tried or how creative we became (paying for bills with credit cards, mortgage with cash advances, etc), we fell further and further behind. Eventually, I became SICK over worrying so much and decided I needed a fresh start if we were EVER going to create the life for our family that we dreamed of having… So at 25 years old, after being completely financially independent since 14 and buying a house at 20… I walked into a court house, depleted of the confidence I once seemed to come by very naturally… and filed for bankruptcy.
Having SWORN I would live my life differently than my parents, it crushed my SOUL to know that I was on the path to poverty, myself. I wanted SO MUCH MORE for London, for Billy, and for myself.
We started attending a church in Florida called Grace Family Church and I could feel God start to stir in my soul. For the first time in my life, with no where else to turn, I said, “Okay God, I am giving you full control. NO MORE EXCUSES, no more bartering… just USE ME, and ALL of the MESS that’s been created, for good.”
2 weeks later, I ended up getting a random phone call from a founding Beachbody coach about an inactive coach under me… (HAD NO IDEA what he was talking about) but I went and checked it out… and that’s when I had a GUT FEELING that I needed to figure out what exactly this was. Low and behold, I had signed up randomly over the phone, 8 months earlier, after posting my P90X transformation on YouTube, and I never even OPENED THE BOX that had been delivered to see what it was, beyond just a discount program. This day was July 12, 2010. My life will be forever changed.
My ENTIRE LIFE I had been a RESCUER. I had this innate ability to look at someone and see them for who they COULD BE, rather than as they were currently. I could SO EASILY see what they needed to do to change their circumstances… yet when it came to MY OWN PROBLEMS, I was completely LOST as to what to do.
In this journey, MY BIGGEST LESSON HAS BEEN: You cannot HELP anyone CHANGE… You can only INSPIRE THEM to CHANGE by sharing your OWN JOURNEY… {Hence this post}
As I took the time to learn more about the coaching opportunity and what it consisted of, I quickly realized that though I had been signed up for 8 months, I didn’t have one of these “STRONG LEGS” they spoke of (where coaches were placed below me from coaches above)… IN FACT, I have NEVER (3 years later) had a single coach placed under me from above. I also learned that the person they had randomly assigned me to when I signed up on the phone was NOT active in the business. What this meant was that I was going to have to build my business completely on my own. {Though there were MOMENTS of self-pity, I decided to GET OVER IT and change the ONLY thing I had the ability to change… which was to become the kind of coach I WISHED I would have had.}
- Did I have to work HARDER than most? YEP.
- Did it take me longer to make the kind of money others were. Definitely.
- Did I wish that I could change it? UMM, YES!!!
- Would I change it now, looking back? NOPE! God knew EXACTLY what He was doing, as I became SUCH a stronger, more relatable person for having gone through that struggle.
- Did it STOP me from SUCCEEDING eventually? NO FREAKING WAY!!!
I get countless emails from coaches asking for advice on how to succeed in this business… and while I WISH I could somehow create more time in the day to personally mentor ANYONE who asked, I obviously am limited and have to be CREATIVE with my time so that I can honor my family by being present in their lives… but I decided to have my Summit training taped and posted on my website for ANY AND ALL to watch who want to learn some of the things that have helped me OVERCOME the one thing that was STOPPING ME from succeeding… (and NO, it wasn’t my upline coach or lack there of) it was MY BELIEF IN MYSELF and what was POSSIBLE when I stopped BLAMING my circumstances, childhood, and/or financial situation and started MAKING A WAY, where there was seemingly NO WAY.
I did NOT, and COULD NOT do this ALONE. Over the past 3 years I have gone from just 3 TRUE FRIENDS in 25 YEARS of life, to now an ABUNDANCE of LIKE-MINDED, DRIVEN, INSPIRING, and INCREDIBLE friends who make up the 6,000+ members of The Bombshell Dynasty in 3 years of life.
The People you ALLOW into your life should challenge you, make you come ALIVE, feed your SOUL, make you BETTER… and if you are not attracting those people, you first need to focus on WHAT ABOUT YOU NEEDS TO CHANGE. When you become the change you wish to see in your world, the world AROUND YOU CHANGES!
My income is a mere reflection of the changes I have personally made… and have then inspired other people to make… who then inspired other people, who then inspired other people… and SO ON!
95% of my income is based off of my TEAM SUCCEEDING in growing their own individual businesses, not from my own personal sales. I don’t make a DIME off of someone simply signing up a coach… it is ONLY if they SUCCEED that I benefit… and I LIKE IT THAT WAY!!!
I have no plans of slowing down, as sitting poolside with a Corona is not my idea of fully living… I want this RIPPLE to continue on and change thousands more lives. WHY? Because I KNOW what it is like to feel that pit in your stomach… and If I can help someone pull themselves out of that, I KNOW everything I went through was WORTH WHILE and that I am living my purpose. In fact, we plan to take this RIPPLE and expand it to underprivileged youth via a private nonprofit we are in the middle of founding, which is where much of this income will be going towards. I KNOW learning the things I have learned over these past 3 years can CHANGE a young person’s life… and we plan to reach as MANY as possible!
For the 90 minute Summit training you can go to:
Lastly, THANK YOU for all of your love and support throughout these last 3 years. It means the WORLD to me and is my constant reminder that I am right where I belong!
Feel free to like, comment, SHARE and/or TAG the people you think need to see this
————- To make my friends from BB Legal HAPPY
**Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located on the Coaches Corner on for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.

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